Friday, February 5, 2010

The First Night of the Gecko

Setting up the aquarium for Thing was really non eventful. I had newts in the past that are supposed to be somewhat aquatic. However, mine perferred to sit on a rock and dry up. From that experience I learned that tap water has clorine in it. Something not desirable to lizards. Thus this leads to another step in Gecko care. If you choose to use tap water it must give it a day before offering to your lizard. So I have a decision to make. Water or no water for Thing tonight. I am not going back in to town. I errored on giving him tap water. He is a desert lizard so it's not like he will be swimming in it. Whatismore, my wife let me know that the brand new $8.00 UV night bulb for Thing is broken. The glue that holds the glass to the metal housing clearly didn't work. In my over 40 years of changing light bulbs this has never happened before. Anyway I get on the phone to a PetCo Gecko Specialist and ask if my Gecko will survive the night without a UV night bulb that helps keep the temperature in his home up. The reply almost shocked me. "Oh sure, we never used those lights with our pet Geckos. You really don't need it." $8.00 for a bulb and $15.00 for a lamp we don't need. Yet, I have two really happy boys.

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