Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 4 Gecko No More

Well no more Gecko for my youngest son. So he says. First of all, let me tell you that my youngest son is tough as nails. At birth he was a day early and over 10 pounds. Some may brag about topping that weight. That is fine. But regardless my wife and I have never been to the chiropractor as much as we have from the time he was born. Yes he will cry when hurt but all to often I will see him grit his teeth and breath the hurt away. I didn't teach him that. Here is an example of his quick thinking, agility and aggressiveness. Honestly, it was one of those times I needed our video camera. One summer day when he was still two years old playing in the sand box our 10 month old laborador ran through that sand box and took his pale. Without hesitation my son was in fast retriever mode. He caught up with our dog and with both hands grabbed him along the top of his back and took him down. Then all in the same motion slid up to the neck and put him in a head lock. With the other hand grabbing our dogs lip and twisting. While holding the lip he released the head lock and grabs his pale stands up and does a HULK power flex and growl. As quick as that entire thing started it was over. Now that you know all of that this same son is now 3 and is very leary of Thing. He perfers his older brother to do all of the handling. Well Day 4 after the Day 3's car ride is a bad time to start with a Leopard Gecko. Leopard Geckos have claws. I missed the event between my boys and Thing but in the end my youngest had a 4 inch scratch across his arm. Only one. At first looked to me a bit deeper that a cat scratch. Yet it was only a surface scratch. Regardless, he declared, "I will never hold him again."

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