Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bad Gecko Advice

We didn't become good Gecko owners.  Nor did we end as good Gecko owners.   Please know that I am late in updating this blog.  Blogging is new to me but nevertheless I am trying to be and active blogger.  This post is a big leap of a rewind from my last post.  The heat lamp for Thing kept burning out very expensive bulbs.  At some point I didn't start rushing to the store to replace the burned out bulb.  Yet, at this point it is August and very hot outside.  Thing is getting cold in the air conditioning.  A good friend of ours brings to our attention how hot it is outside and perhaps we should place the aquarium outside.  Brilliant.  So we do.  That evening while we are all sleeping there is a torrential down pour of rain.  Sadly, the aquarium filled and Thing drowned.  My wife finds Thing.  She breaks the news to our boys.  They quickly reply with, "can we get a gerbil now?"

There will not be any blogs about gerbil's from me.  We did not and will not get a gerbil.

Thank you for reading.